The Story of The Beginning!

The end of something always has a beginning to something better!!! Just like the dessert after the main course! And there is always a story that unfolds along with it.
New roadmaps are created and illuminated to spread more light and create new destinations, enabling all the beings around to blossom!
The entire month of March, I was almost offline from Social Media.
I wanted to take a break and reflect back on so many things.
My schedule was completely tied up since Aug 2020. The brain had worked too much. And after a point, it needed rest.
Many people think that, as Life Coaches, our lives are always sorted, we do not have any challenges, as we coach others to deal with their challenges in life, we might not have any challenges in our lives.
But that’s not how it is. Even Life Coaches are HUMANS. As trainers and coaches, even we come across a lot of issues. Our brains become heavy listening to only problems of other people, we cannot function well after addressing a serious issue with a client, and this can sometimes be taken off on our family members JUST as other HUMANS do. At times, even our focus gets de-focused. At times, even our paths get blurred.
And when this happens, we exactly do what we suggest our clients to COMMUNICATE, but with YOURSELF!
Communication has a lot of power- When done in a systematic manner, with the use of just the right words, it has magical effects on any challenge- for others and for yourself too. When we start communicating in a systematic manner with ourselves first, we can overcome our challenges and support others to overcome theirs.
This is what I did in this much-needed break. After a lot of self-reflection and addressing the self-talk, I feel this is the beginning of something new & better. Feels as if I took a break after the main course to make space for the dessert!
With the beginning of the new financial year, I’m ready for new targets, new workshops, and a new mindset, to support the beings around to blossom in their own gardens!
Do you remember any of your firsts? Or beginnings? What story does it unfold?
Do share, as something will inspire someone, somewhere in someway!